High Ed Hangout Podcast HEH 33: Let’s All Take a Moment to Floss

HEH 33: Let’s All Take a Moment to Floss

Russian hacking (they’re after Daniel), Admissions Apps, Google Search Appliance, Analytics, Icon Libraries, and more… brought to you today by the letter H (as in HEH, as in High Ed Hangout). Enjoy!

Daniel gets hacked (likely Russians) and keeps dropping out of the podcast. He changed all his passwords. They will be listed in the show notes.

Admissions App Redesigns

  • GVSU is mainly working on question wording. Some people were still coming at the project as an extension of the old paper app.
  • GVSU still has a paper app that gets handed out in high schools.

What do you do that’s still paper?

  • UALR, anything that requires a signature (access requests)
  • GVSU determined that a logged in user is sufficient as a signature (LDAP etc.). There are issues with external users still needing to actually sign.

Digital Asset Management

  • GVSU Widen Collective stores every photo taken and tagged
  • UI Library uses ContentDM but moving towards Islandora (and open source library archiving product based on Drupal 8)
  • Iowa also uses PhotoShelter for marketing photos

Google Search Appliance is being sunsetted

  • Moving to a new cloud solution CSE?

Ken is building an icon framework that’s flexible and responsive (using font awesome).

What browsers do you support?

  • UI Libraries IE10+
    • #2 browser on library site and Admissions is IE7!!!
      • Turns out it’s campus terminal traffic (internal traffic)
  • GVSU IE9+ (last 2 versions)


  • Tell us something interesting in from your Google Analytics
  • Dave is Google Certified in Google Analytics

What online training do you use?

  • GVSU: Lynda.com & Code Academy
  • UI: Lynda.com & Pluralsight
  • UALR: Lynda.com & Friday workshops to try new things with coworkers using codingame.com